Mission of the group:
Musicalement to accompany six dancers by our association who presented some consequences of dancing, our Jean violonist did not have courage to try the adventure also borrowed we Philippe (violonist song of sailors who has already left to explore the ground) 

Departure:  Thursday July 19 on time where the countryside bleaches.  On board two vehicles lent by the municipality of ST Brevin (one of them spreading out moult messages intended for possible customers:  sponsorts which!    Let us pile up we 13 persons and their luggage there.

Heroes:  - Divarrek:  Alain, Jacky, Jean-Pierre, Nono (+ Philippe)
               - dancers:  Anita, Marc, Jannick, Charly, Josseline, Christian.
               - speculators:  Claudine, Marie-Yvonne, (+ Isabelle).
Vroummm...  of toll in toll, let us cross we the obstacles to arrive, towards 16h, in Illkirch where place we in a superb N°1 hotel in the formula (let us be only not very removed from one's usual surroundings we).  The next day, the vehicles piaffaient of impatience to lead us to Peissenberg.  All our meals picnic up to now are well sprinkled (rain delighting to us to hardly point ourselves were installed we).  Vroummm... finished tolls.  Let us have we the privilege to be escorted per one a convoy miliraire which during interminable kilometres rolls by applying strict a 50 km.p.h., the aim of this operation escapes to us.  Nono has a tooth against them and leaves it on the way during the pause meal (still sprinkled).  Lastly, around 16 h let us be there we, half-way between Munich and of the famous station of Garmisch Partenkirchen.  After having found Philippe and Isabelle, a charming person leads us towards our place of residence during our stay:  Charming Weilheim city to numerous attractions whose our natural centre calms and at the edge of Ammer.  Let us swell we our ornaments of festival because let us be invited we to the evening of official reception where border on we also Swisses.  Two small benefits seem appreciated participants.  Let us seek we promised wiring for sound but goes away, no diplomatic incident make we with the means of the edge.  Copious meal...
The following morning, train for crossed Munich of the city (crowd)... chime managed (oh!  the beautiful blue)... brewery for meal (under the brewery permanent co-ordination by local musicians).  Return to Weilheim to take up again our behaviours of pomp for the evening folk.  The promised sono is absent again.  Let us learn we as disciplined well, German would not be on the other hand very gifted in organisation.  Finally;  two mile person take seat under an immense capital encouraged by flons flons of a local training (of quality and quite Bavarian).  Italian makes a noticed and very cordial entry.  The choppes of beer make one litre. 
Of accortes waitresses exchanges them to you against a blue ticket.  One be able eat with the orange ticket a half extremely honourable roasted chicken.  The Bavarians all are practically equipped trad (young people and older).  The benefits follow each other on the scene:  Bavarians:  very serious and of rather cold aspect, Italian:  very hot but having neglected wiring for sound and us slightly:  perfect (according to our very objective mayor who profited to promise to us subsidies of the thunder of god).  The Bavarians bring out us a musical part for six whips while climbing on tables, impressionant. 
The evening continues in an increasingly more cordial environment.  Nationalities drink heavily and dance (failed we to lose Nono, our guitarist, which was done subjugated per one a small Swiss).  The Bavarian orchestra is released and starts more official and more international airs.  The Mayor of Peissenberg who seems to have us to good comes to supply us with blue tickets of which we indicated the importance to you higher.  Superb evening...  The next day, we were to take part in a meal with Bavarian, Swisses and Italian, unfortunately some of us was to return:  regrets...  Therefore had we an adorable guide to make us discover, a village whose frontage of certain houses are decorated (plaster non dried paints).  The majority of the reasons are religious except a district which welcomed sick children and whose walls are dedicated to the tales.  The landscapes Bavarians are of any beauty very green and the very respected cyclists.  of the lunch in an inn, let us take up again we the road:  vroummm, us revoilą with Illkirch where re-state we the same formula of accommodation.  The next day revroummm for an excursion through tolls.  Arrived at approximately
Arrived at approximately an hour of our destination breakdown on the motorway.  The telephone promises a help in half an hour later to us... two hours a mechanic comes to suspend the failure of the personnel of service (one will have needed three telephone calls) note we the promptitude of the companies of motorway to box and their case little of people in perdition if they have the bad idea of not disturbing the movement.  To the stable, go one is re-examined soon to exchange the photographs (one will put on the site).
En francais