Formerly, the priests there saw pagan rites and fought their practice. Subversive dance...  why not?  Since the priests (not all) evolved/moved on this level. To be right, it should be said that the ancestors of Mr. Chevènement (hussards of the republic) were not very glorious in the tolérence with respect to the Breton culture.  I believe that their torch remains lit.  Such an amount of worse for them, they will disappear before has it celtitude does not die out. It should be added that one can be Breton without being closed, many examples of it are the proof.  On the level dances, we do not hesitate to borrow and adapt what we like coming besides. A clic on a button and you will have an air, the step and the soil. For the movements of arm, let you go... Your contributions will be the welcomes!